Monday, May 26, 2014

Visual Literacy in the Math Classroom

Ever sat in a classroom where you do this, then that, followed by this, then that, now that, next this, time to do that, next step is this... I have. When we get caught up in the algorithms of long problems, it is easy to lose sight of what it is we are working towards. Math uses symbols and other visuals all the time. One example is the graphic above. I got this picture via from a friend of mine. It shows a catchy phrase that serves to remind students of the process for long division. Another example I have seen is when students do a large V to show how their long expression gets compressed to a simpler and simpler form until at the bottom of the V, the answer is shown.
  Beyond this image, I have found a few videos that graphically connect Algebra concepts to their meaning in terms the kids can understand. One example of this is this video Others show the order of operations in symbolic form such as ( ) 2 × ÷ + - but in a better graphic form.
  Some students have found or are familiar with graphics that can help them remember procedures and algorithms. If I have a student with such a graphic, I hope they'd be willing to share it with others and the Internet can help them do so.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

  From my perspective as a teacher, the new technology has brought the death of the transparencies as Powerpoints have taken over. I have really enjoyed the ability to put animations to illustrate the steps in working math problems and they don't have to read my horrible handwriting!

  Back in my high-school days, not everyone had a phone with a calculator. You actually had to bring a calculator if you wanted to use it. Now students insist that they just use their phones if they want a calculator, but as a teacher I know that the calculator function is not the only thing they will be using. With everyone carrying a calculator, students don't see the value of doing simple add, subtract, multiply and divide by themselves.

  I believe that attention spans have been diminished due to very engaging video games. Students expect to be entertained while learning and such is not always realistic.

  The information age has brought forth much faster and better communication. Parents in my district are able to see real-time grades on the Internet for their students. Teachers are able to share lesson plans easily. School-side memos are distributed quickly. The easy spread of information has hindered education as well. Student gossip spreads quickly as does social bullying. Students refusing to turn off their cell phones will get distracted frequently in class and may even use them to organize a ditching party.

  While I do think that kids will eventually need to overcome short attention spans on their own to be successful in any job, I play to take advantage of the technology that is available to me. I am fortunate enough to have enough computers in my classroom so that every student can work on the computer. I often search for free games for the kids to play, for example a Mole Graph activity where they have to pick the coordinates (x, y) of where the mole is surfacing so they can whack him before he steals their vegetables. Some of the boys got very competitive against that mole and got angry when he stole even one of their vegetables!